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S SK hynix Inc.
   The contents provided in the XBRL viewer and file download are submitted by the company through the XBRL writer, and it may be different from the contents of reports such as business reports.
  • Roles
  • Annual Report
Global Common Data
Document Information
Period Information
Audit Information
Entity Information
Entity Address Information
Author Information
Financial Statement Information
Consolidated Financial Statements
Statement of financial position, current/non-current - Consolidated financial statements
Statement of comprehensive income, by function of expense - Consolidated financial statements
Statement of cash flows, indirect method - Consolidated financial statements
Statement of changes in equity - Consolidated financial statements
Separate Financial Statements
Statement of financial position, current/non-current - Separate financial statements
Statement of comprehensive income, by function of expense - Separate financial statements
Statement of cash flows, indirect method - Separate financial statements
Statement of changes in equity - Separate financial statements
Consolidated Financial Statements Notes
1. General Information
2. Significant Accounting Policies
3. Critical Accounting Estimates and Assumptions
4. Operating Segment Information
5. Carrying Amounts of Financial Instruments by Categories
7. Restricted Financial Instruments
8. Trade Receivables and Loans and Other Receivables
9. Inventories
10. Other Current and Non-current Assets
11. Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures
12. Property, Plant and Equipment
13. Leases
14. Intangible Assets
15. Investment Property
16. Other Payables
17. Borrowings
18. Other Current and Non-current Liabilities
19. Provisions
20. Defined Benefit Liabilities
21. Deferred Income Tax
22. Derivative Financial Instruments
23. Capital Stock, Capital Surplus and Other Equity
24. Retained Earnings
25. Revenue
26. Selling and Administrative Expenses
27. Expenses by Nature
28. Finance Income and Expenses
29. Other Income and Expenses
30. Income Tax Expense
31. Earnings per Share
32. Transactions with Related Parties and Others, Continued
33. Commitments and Contingencies, Continued
34. Cash Flows
35. Share-based Payment
Separate Financial Statements Notes
1. General Information
2. Significant Accounting Policies
3. Critical Accounting Estimates and Assumptions
4. Carrying Amounts of Financial Instruments by Categories
7. Restricted Financial Instruments
8. Inventories
8. Trade Receivables and Loans and Other Receivables
9. Other Current and Non-current Assets
10. Investments in Subsidiaries, Associates and Joint Ventures
12. Property, Plant and Equipment
13. Leases
14. Intangible Assets
15. Investment Property
15. Other Payables
17. Borrowings
17. Other Current and Non-current Liabilities
19. Provisions
20. Deferred Income Tax
20. Defined Benefit Liabilities
21. Derivative Financial Instruments
23. Capital Stock, Capital Surplus and Other Equity
24. Retained Earnings
25. Revenue
25. Selling and Administrative Expenses
26. Expenses by Nature
27. Finance Income and Expenses
28. Other Income and Expenses
30. Earnings per Share
30. Income Tax Expense
32. Transactions with Related Parties and Others, Continued
33. Commitments and Contingencies, Continued
34. Cash Flows
35. Share-based Payment